Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ethyl difluoroacetate uses

Ethyl difluoroacetate achromatic cellophane liquid, hardly acrid in water, miscible with booze and added amoebic matter, ester property, simple to acid, alkali-catalyzed hydrolysis, alcoholysis, aminolysis, Simple to blot damp from the air anatomize acidic, combustible and should be kept abroad from sources of ignition. The baking point of 99.2 ° C, density: 1.18g/cm3.

Ethyl difluoroacetate as an automated bread-and-butter acclimated in coatings, adhesives, ethyl cellulose, bogus leather, linoleum colorants, constructed fibers and added products; press ink as a adhesive for the assembly of bogus pearls; as abstraction abettor for the assembly of pharmaceuticals, amoebic acids and added products; spices raw abstracts for the capital raw actual of pineapple, bananas, strawberries and added bake-apple flavors and whiskey, chrism and spices. Acclimated as a bread-and-butter for the amalgam of dyes and biologic intermediates.

Read More:Buy Ethyl difluoroacetate, Ethyl difluoroacetate price

From: Fluorides Manufacturers

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